This is where all my bunnies and bantams live , and me too most of the time
The bunnery has the adavantage of been outside so plenty of fresh are is circulated but also has a covered passage way to keep the hutches dry and protected from the wheather elements. The hutches are 4 foot by 2 foot and 6 foot by 2 foot, all of wich are 24 inches high. The bunnies all live next to there bonded freinds with a mesh divider so they always have company, but at the same time have their own living and feed space which they prefer. The freinds share the out door runs so are able to carry out natural behaviour of grooming each other and playing, given sufficiant space breeding does do not have to live solitary lives.
These are some of the my home made bunny play pens, run sizes vary between 6 foot , 8 foot and 12 foot wide, all of which are 12 foot long. I also have a huge long run where they take it in turns to go for a good run around, great fun at bunny bed time but well worth the effort to see them so happy. The runs are moved around on to fresh grass through the summer and on to bark for the winter time.
Free range happy bunnies all year round.